Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The word from IUC is good! Stacey was awake and interactive when I visited this morning. Fewer pain meds, cream of wheat for breakfast, orange juice, and water to drink.  She is talking some. I took her a GERI Giraffe stress ball to squeeze and got a big smile from her. Her color is good, and I understand that in addition to a wave and thumbs up, she has a couple of other hand signals including a one-fingered wave--all in good humor, of course. I feel her coming back to us, but as a reminder her injuries are very serious, so if you visit, use hand sanitizer and keep your visit short so she can rest.

Matt arrives tomorrow, I know this will lift her spirits.

Kristina is taking Pizza for Tim tonight. Since his mom left, we are making sure he eats!

more later


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